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Beyond Selling Fast: Alaska Real Estate Agents Need Professional Photography to Stand Out From Their Competition

If you look at it in the long run, real estate agents don’t just hire professional real estate photographers to sell homes, but also to sell themselves and build a better impression in the market.

For some, this might be a new philosophy, but this should be the reason behind every photoshoot, to build a better career in real estate; especially in Alaska where competition to stand out is fierce.

Moving further into the concept, let us give you a few reasons why this is so.

#1. Your Marketing Strategy Builds Your Brand

In the real estate industry, your brand is the way potential clients perceive you as an agent. For example, when a potential home seller looks at an agent’s campaign online or in their street, they will have first impressions and lasting assumptions about him or her.

Therefore, the marketing materials used by that particular agent will play a very significant role in that perception. So, if you use poor photos when selling a home, it will not only affect the timeline of selling it, but also their judgment of the agent who is running the campaign.

On the other hand, if an agent uses magazine quality photos, the seller will most likely choose him or her the next time they are going to sell their home. They will find the agent trustworthy enough to be left with the important responsibility of putting their house in the market and getting good bucks for it.


#2. It’s for the Long Run

In Anchorage, homes might be selling very fast, it could be a matter of days or a few weeks. But this will change eventually. Change will come to a market; it may be slow or rapid sales then a sudden halt. And you must be prepared when change happens.

Potential clients will then be more selective about the agents they hire. They will for the one who is remarkable to them, the one agent they remember with great photos on previous campaigns that they saw. As the market goes slow, sellers will look for an agent who they think will be able to sell their home within 60 days or shorter.

And in this time and age, where would sellers go to find an agent to sell their home. Yes, you guessed it right, they will search online.

Potential clients will look first at the sales history of that agent. They will look skim through previous listings and videos and everything that you can find in an agent’s portfolio. While looking at previous campaigns and sold listings, sellers will most likely ask the question, “with how this agent marketed the homes they sold, do I want my house to be treated the same way?”

If they are met with poor photos, a low quality façade shot in Wasilla, or some trees blocking the view in Palmer, or a bad angle shot on a house in Eagle River, the answer will be a resounding ‘no’.

Some sellers may look into numbers; how long a home was sold and what price. But in a hot market, like in Anchorage, or the adjacent cities, those numbers all look similar. And they will go back to the agent’s marketing approach. And looking at potential agents’ portfolios, will they mostly go for you?

This is the point where quality photos matter. If at this point they find the bad photos you posted in the past, and will be compared to your competition who has better photos than you, you will most likely lose that client.


#3. Reputation Spreads

Clients have connections, they have friends and relatives who might have sold homes in the past. And of course, they will talk about their experiences with their previous agent. As an agent, you will be brought up in future conversations.

Of course, you will want to be the one they will say good things about. Your previous listings will be talked about. How you treated your clients and how effective your campaign was. So if you bring in a professional photographer to the shoot, they will surely appreciate and remember how good you were as a real estate agent; one who goes the extra mile and did every bit of effort to make sure that their marketing campaign is perfect.


The Alaska Real Estate Market is still on the rise. So, don’t get left behind. Get a professional photographer for your listings to get ahead of your competitors. DMD Real Estate Photography is here for your marketing campaign needs.