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Spring Is the Best Time to Sell a Home (Yes, Even in Alaska)

Warm(er) weather, trees returning to life, snow melting -- there are many things to love about spring in Alaska. One thing you may not know is that it’s also the best time to sell a home here.

In colder climates like ours, people tend to hide indoors for most of the winter season. Many may have been looking at new houses online and thinking about moving for months. Now that the weather is finally warming up, it presents the perfect opportunity to act.

If you have clients or potential clients who aren’t sure whether or not they should start the selling process in the spring, here are a few pieces of info you can remind them of to nudge them in the right direction.

April Showers Bring...

Do we even need to finish that thought?

If you want to really showcase the yard and the surrounding outdoor area with some great pictures, spring is the time to do it -- because everything is gorgeous and in bloom! Really highlight the vibrant greens as the trees and plants come to life. (If you’re really lucky, you might get to sell a property within eyeshot of a waterfall that’s just started flowing again.

These are the kinds of shots that money just can’t buy, and they can really showcase how amazing and close to nature the property is.

The Timing Is Perfect to Showcase the Views

Alaska is gorgeous year-round for different reasons. But let’s be honest, if someone is looking for views of the iconic Alaskan wilderness, spring is the perfect time to get them for all of the reasons listed above. 

Snow is melting, but still holding its own. Trees are green and lush. Waterways are icy and majestic, but flowing strongly.

How is this different from the above?

Because we’re talking about showcasing the views. From inside the house.

If you head out into nature and look around hard enough, you can probably find some great “springtime in Alaska” shots most times of the year. But if you’re trying to get that perfect shot through a bay window, the timing needs to be ideal. Which means spring.

You Can Get a Head Start

Unless you’re new to the business, you don’t need us to tell you that summer tends to be the busiest season for real estate agents. After all, you’ve lived it.

So, why should you be pushing sellers to start in the spring? Because when people say “summer,” what they really mean is that the highest returns for sellers (and you) come in May and June. This means that everyone thinking of selling their homes will be rushing to get them on the market around the same time.

By getting everything ready in early spring and working with you early, they will be getting a head start. This means the potential for more buyers (and more higher-paying buyers) to view their home before the market becomes overcrowded with listings. 

You’ll still need to wow them with great images, but when you do you won’t have to compete with a thousand other listings that also have high-quality, professional photos.

*A quick note on this. While it is true that May is the high season here for real estate sales, you might actually do better if you are able to sell in early spring depending on where you’re located in Alaska.


Well, in Anchorage and surrounding areas, for example, there tends to be an influx of people in late winter and early spring, largely due to the large federal government and military presence.  For whatever reason, that’s when they seem to make their moves. If you’ve got properties up and ready to sell around this time, you’re likely to find a surplus of buyers and very little competition.

Convinced? Want to know more about how the right images can make your job of selling a lot easier? Get in touch with DMD today!