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DMD Real Estate Photography offers a completely custom-branded tour solution, including the domain name! 


This is done by setting up a subdomain for your domain name that will be used to host all of your DMD Real Estate Photography tours.

For instance, if your domain name is "www.WorldsBestVirtualTours.com", the "www" part is the subdomain. You need to create a new subdomain for your tours, like "tours.WorldsBestVirtualTours.com" and point it to our servers and then once we complete the setup on our end all of your tours will now be completely branded to your domain name.

The subdomain is set up as a CNAME; you will need to edit your DNS settings. For most DNS services this takes only a few minutes to do. Instructions for common DNS providers are listed below.

When following the directions below, you will want to enter tours for the SUBDOMAIN NAME, sometimes also called the ALIAS or SOURCE. For the POINTS TO, sometimes called DESTINATION, enter tour.tourbuzz.net. Once you've done this, please email us and let us know so we can complete the setup.

NOTE: Do *not* set up domain forwarding or masking to accomplish this. It won't work. You must set up a CNAME.