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Tips on Getting Better Real Estate Photos in 2020

By this time, you may have your own technique and own approach to every project. These tips are subjective and may not apply to every shot or every property. But without guiding rules in mind, you may easily forget the intended purpose of your images. Taking it from the experts, we at DMD Real Estate Marketing only want the best for you. We leave you with advice and always bring value to every listing by improving your skills.

Getting Your Home Ready for Real Estate Photography in 2022

All your preparation will of course go to waste if the photos don’t come out as perfect. So hire a real estate photographer that you already trust, or if you’re new to real estate, get one that’s preferred by many. DMD Real Estate Marketing has been Alaska’s best real estate partner for more than a decade. Get a photographer with an impressive portfolio who has an eye for the best compositions and is known for coming up with the most successful real estate campaigns.

What Buyers are Looking for in Listings in 2022

Good thing, real estate marketing companies have also evolved into not just providing photographs but also floor plans and even 3D tours. Some even provide a full marketing package that includes an individual listing website for a home and be the one to advertise them on social media. And even more to that, have you heard about drone photography and video walkthroughs? The more exciting the presentation of a home, the more potential buyers it is going to fish from screens all over the internet.